Thursday, July 25, 2013


Every once in a while it's good to get off the river and go to town.  I have to jet boat 13 miles down river to Vinegar Creek a/k/a End of the Road.  Here I pick up my now dusty sky blue Yaris and head for Riggins to the car wash.  Then  I turn on NPR and head for McCall, a small resort town in central Idaho - population about 3,300.  I lived here some 20 years ago for four years and taught skiing and snowboarding at the local ski resort, Brundage Mountain.  Thus I have many friends here and my sister, Andrea, from Atlanta Georgia followed me out here and never left.  She teaches cello and piano and her husband Jeff is the keyboard man in a jazz band called Merchants of Groove.
My brother-in-law, Jeff Parnett (1st on left) in his jazz band
Merchants of Groove
First Stop is Foglifter Café where Andrea and I have breakfast.
Andrea and me at Fog Lifter Café . . .
Then we head out for the McCall Farmers' Market where Andrea is hosting a booth for the McCall Music Society.  My friend Bob and I play fiddle and guitar there to try and draw folks to the booth.  It works!!!! Bob played my back up at the National Fiddle Contest Years ago in Weiser Idaho.  We have played many gigs together for the past 20 + years.
Bob and me playing tunes at the Farmers' Market . . . .
My sister Andrea at the McCall Music Society booth . . .
When one comes off the river only once or twice a month there is always a myriad of things to do and places to go.  Mine includes shopping for some cooler clothes for the 100 degree days in the canyon, procuring some electrolyte concoction to stay hydrated, new tires for my car, and on goes the list.  It takes me almost all day.  A few of my stops include the following:
Gravity Sports for electrolyte supplements . . .
Home Town Sports for some light summer shirts and a Tilly Hat for shade while berry picking and, I visit with Patty Boydstun-Hovdey and Dean Hovdey, old friends and proprietors of the shop.
Mountain Regatta for a dress for evening dinners at the ranch and a pair of sandals with Vibram soles for river walking . . . .
High Mountain Nursery where my friend Jane works and I look at hanging pots for my ranch cabin . .
Pet Outfitter and Supplies for treats and toys for the Shepp Ranch dogs . . .
Andy and I stop late in the heat of the afternoon for an ice cream at Moxie Java.'
Sister Andrea licking her cone . . . .
I end the day having dinner with my dear friend Jane at the Bistro.  We have salads and beer and spirited conversation for a few hours.
I spend the night at Jane and Peter's cabin.  Peter has just left on a trip to Minnesota with one of his famous hand made canoes, so it is just me and Jane at the cabin.
The next day it is back to Vinegar Creek on the river to meet my jet boat for the ride back up the river.
Riding the jet boat back to the ranch . . . .
All in all it was a successful trip out.  I accomplished all of my missions and it is just good to have a change of scenery once in awhile and visit with friends and a special sister. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have so much community out there, even if you don't get to enjoy it daily. Makes those outings out of camp extra special.
