Thursday, July 18, 2013


It has been very hot in the canyon - up in the 90s, sometimes 100ds on my little LL Bean thermometer every day since I have arrived.  We have had one thunder and lightening storm which promptly started a fire 2 miles due east of the ranch at Rattlesnake Point, just adjacent to Rabbit Creek.  Smoke jumpers from the Grangeville smoke jumper base were immediately parachuted in and had the fire under control and out within 24 hours.  Helipcopters came to the ranch to take out their gear and Mike jet boated the young jumpers back down river.  I didn't get to see and meet the handsome young smoke jumpers as I was napping.  Just goes to show you what age 62 will do for you!

The hot weather has also caused a bumper crop of strawberries, raspberries and cherries.

Mike picks the cherries.

Mike on the ladder picking cherries . . . . ..

I de-pit and wash them.

Cherries being washed . . .

I get the pits out of the cherries with a little German made machine.

Lorrie at the picnic table de-pitting the cherries . . .
Note the black lab, Coot, at my feet :-)

Lynn then  uses her magic and cans the cherries and makes jam out of the strawberries and raspberries.

Lynn in the canning process . . . . .
On the stove . . . .

Ah, the finished product of all our labors . . ..

We have raspberries for breakfast every morning :-) Maybe one more pick of raspberries..  The strawberries have gone by.  The blue berries are now ripe and Lynn has been making some blueberry deserts for the guests with lemon curd.  Apricots are on the way . . . 

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