Monday, July 1, 2013


My river transportation to Shepp Ranch - Jet Boat
Cat Yentl and I left Boise at 5:30 a.m. Thursday June 26th to catch my jet boat at Vinegar Creek  at 11:00 a.m. on the Salmon River 26 miles up river from Riggins Idaho.  We stopped in McCall for a cup of coffee and then on to Riggins and the River Road.  Stopped again at the Wind River Bridge to visit my fiddle playing friend Linda who is visiting her sister and brother-in-law who live there.  We arrive at Vinegar Creek boat landing at 10:59 a.m.  Our jet boat is waiting with Mike, Shepp Ranch manager/outfitter, some guests coming into the ranch and a painter who will paint some buildings there for a few days.  Above is a picture of my jet boat.  It takes us about 30 minutes to get to Shepp.  We go through numerous rapids with Mike expertly maneuvering us with skill and aplomb.  It's incredibly bumpy, noisy and there are three of the ranch dogs on board as well and Yentl goes berserk in his carrier. The river is incredibly beautiful as always and it is a lovely, warm and sunny day.

I am so happy to finally be here and have a lovely little cabin to make mine and Yentl's home for the next five months, through the end of hunting season in November.  It is very cozy.  I have hung up my woven wall hanging  of snowflakes from my friend Amy that hung in my cabin in Vermont.  With it, Yentl and I feel as though we are home again.  Yentl escapes for 3 hours from the cabin but miraculously reappears.  I thought after driving 2,700 miles how could he be lost and perhaps be eaten by some wild critter this night.  But he shows up on the porch very pleased with himself.

My cabin at Shepp
                                                   Woodstove inside of my cabin at Shepp
I have a nice loft up top for storage.  I didn't bring too many things and some things I left in storage for saving space in the Yaris I wish I now had.  I settle in and go down to the kitchen at 6:00 p.m. to help prepare for dinner . . . . part of my work as cook's helper.  I do whatever the cook, the other ranch manager Lynn gives me for tasks. She is wonderful and fun.  Dinner with guests here is always at 7:30 p.m. and by the time we finish and clean up it is close to 9:00 p.m.  I must be at the kitchen again at 7:00 a.m. to start the day.  The air has cooled from it's high today of 98 degrees.  I can hear the River running loud from my cabin and it lulls me to sleep.  It is the sweetest, most beautiful music of all.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray Lorrie! You are a bright star. I hope this journey is a gift to you in every way.
