Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Friday we had  twelve day tripper guests.  Day tripper guests get a special a jet boat ride up river.  Mike picks up the guests at the "end of the road" boat ramp at Vinegar Creek  on the Salmon River just outside of Riggins.  They stop first at Polly Bemis Ranch before arriving at Shepp Ranch for lunch.  Next they tour the ranch and then we all get in the jet boat for a wild ride up river.  We take one of Shepp Ranch's three jet boats, the thirty-one foot twin engine.  Most of the 12 guests ride in the back of the boat standing against the railings.  I sit in the co-captain's seat across from Mike. It is a nicer bouncy ride over the rapids as the seat has springs underneath and a cushy seat.

                                        Shepp Ranch jet boat "Marybelle" on route up river . . .

Mike (manager and outfitter and jet boat captain) driving the jet boat up river . .
Jet boats were first seen on the Salmon River in the mid-sixties.  The beauty of the jet boat on the rocky, rapid filled Salmon River is that there is nothing jutting below the bottom of the boat to come into contact with rocks or gravel.  The jet engine pulls water into a large opening and forces it out  through a very small opening, thus creating the power to move through the fast moving water.

The dogs like to perch on the bow to take in the action.  They seem to instinctively know when a rapid is coming up and get back down into the inside of the boat without prompting.

Springer spaniel Cane (sounds like Connie) is our compass and guide . . .

The Salmon River is the second deepest canyon outside of Hells Canyon.  It's depth is 6,000 feet with the river being at 2000 feet about sea level and the Sheep Eater Lookout, the rim of the canyon is at 8,000 feet. 

In the far distance you can see Sheepeater Mountain at 8000 feet which is the outer rim of the canyon ..

Mike stops the boat to show us a cliff where the big horn sheep have made the narrowest of trails for themselves across the bare rock.

Cliff with 3 big horn sheep trails crisscrossing the rock - zoom in to see closer . . ..

We go through many sets of rapids to our final destination at another ranch/lodge Mackay Bar which is 10 miles up river from Shepp Ranch. We stop there for water, ice cream and a rest in the shade and then head back down river to Shepp Ranch where I disembark.  Mike then takes the guests back to Vinegar Creek to complete their wilderness experience on the Salmon River.

Mackay Bar Lodge . . . Notice the rafters taking off to go down river . . .
Jet boat with guests on back railing . . . .
A good day was had by all!  Some guests say next time they will be back for an overnight stay.
I always enjoy meeting and getting to know our guests. They come from all walks of life and have wonderful stories of their lives to share with us.


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